We Are Back!
What ho my fellow and future Fledglings of The Duckie Club!
It has been some time since I was on social media and then by jove I heard a request to bring back The Duckie Club. Thank you @kittehboi for reaching out!
To all my pals who remember the fun we had and how we helped a few kitties along the way... I humbly thank you for welcoming back myself @Manxington and @GrimyDuck .
My dear pals are in the process of helping me do a little spring cleaning on the blog to bring it up to speed with current events.
In the meantime, please feel free to browse through the blog or contact myself @Manxington or @kittehboi about becoming a member!
Toodle pip!
Toodle pip!
YAY - we have missed you pal. Welcome back. I just went through the Member Roster that was up before and found I'm missing @Mariodacat and my duckie Ralphie! Thanks pal.
Yay! DuckieClub and yay for your return!
Manxington, do that be YOU in the FUR? I know my head be spinning but when I saw you pawed a commenty on my bloggie, I about fell out of my sick bed. Howdy ho old pal!
Hi Mario! I sent you twitter message. I just found all the old photos. Need to see if I have point of you. I don't have access to old roster. Shawnee ran than. We will likely need to start a new one
Buddy!!! So good to see you too! :-))) thanks for the support! Yay!
Hi!! I'm so excited to hear from you! *shakin tail* I'm so sorry you not feeling well but you be back on doz trails in no time! I know you got lots on your mind now my old pal but maybe when you have time and feel better you can help me figure how to access the roster. Of course if you have any interest or time to help I would love nothing better! I've missed our chats. You were always such a sweety! You just focus on getting better!
Great to see the Ducky Club is back! My Duckie is married now! Mr and Mes Callum. Purrs
Pawsome, Manxington! *ducky hugs* George (on the Typist's account QOL)
Purrr Looking forward to meeting all da duckies! So glad you back Manxington and Grimy Duck!
I did redo da roster and putted here on dis bloggy Manxington. So we can add new folks anytimes u wants!
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