Easier Than You Think To Help In Your Local Area
This page will always be a work in progress with the help of the Members. This page represents how I want this club to feel like "our" club - a community club!
Many people want to help local animal organizations, but also feel it is too much on their budget or too demanding on their schedules to volunteer. I want so share with everyone easy - non intimidating - ways to help. I welcome everyone to write in the comment section the state and country you are referring to, and share information about easy programs or up coming events - such as dog-walkathons.
This is an example of what I am referring to:
Shaws - When you register your Shaw's Rewards card (those cards you stick on key chain)online, you can choose a donation from all of your future purchases. You have the option of 1% from all your purchases going to North East Animal Shelter in Salem, MA.
How easy is that if you shop there!
Many times I hear of fun dog walkathons that dog owners would have joined or sponsored had they known in advance.
I hope this give you an idea of some of the fun ideas and events I would like to share with everyone. Again, please right your suggestions in the comment section. List links to websites, the state(s) or countries involved, dates, your contact information via twitter - or email if you don't have twitter. I do not need to list you as a contact person for the information, but I may have questions before posting the information.
If the members would like, I will also list by state and country your twitter user names for those who are involved with shelters, animal organizations, fundraising events for animals, and such. My thought is perhaps if someone wants to buddy with or sponsor someone for a dog walkathon - or maybe someone wants to know more about ways to help shelters in their home town? I'm sure you can think of some ideas to share with me too!
I look forward to your suggestions and seeing your interest in this page.
@shawneeshep gave this suggestion:
1)Barnes & Noble Giftwrapping Fundraiser - Volunteer to wrap purchases at Barnes & Noble in Clark, NJ. Voluntary donations are made for giftwrapping services. Upcoming dates for volunteering: Dec 13, Dec 20, Dec 22, Dec 24, 2009
You can schedule in shifts if you get a group of pals. In the past, people did 3-4 hour shifts of 2-3 peeps ea. One year they made $1485, and on another $907
Past event: http://companioncrittersinc.blogspot.com/2009/06/fundraiser-fathers-day-gift-wrapping-at.html
Benefits Companion Critters, Inc. Animal Rescue Group www.critters.petfinder.org
Contact: @CCritters or companioncritter@cs.com
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