Thursday, December 30, 2010

Noodles Joins Ducky Club

Max the Quilt Cat's human did gib Noodles a ducky for ChrispMouse so we haz a new member!

Check out Max's post about how much Noodle loves his new ducky!

Monday, February 8, 2010

@Morriscat New Blog Dedicated to Duckie Songs? YES it is true and Fabulous!

Morning Fledglings!
I have a treat for you!
@Morriscat...yes the same dashing Marmalade kitty that I last wrote about that donated the duckies to the shelter..has written a song for @Grimyduck and all his Duckie Club Fellow Fledgling Members! I will try to type it on the post later. In have to check out his new blog which has the song!

Well done Morris!

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